The recorded input can include all activities related to the machine. We want to map far more information in the DPM than the KARL MAYER machines can provide us in the digital way. The goal is full transparency on the shopfloor. It enables customers to optimize their processes with the right measures and thus increase their efficiency.
MT: What was the starting point for the update before the launch?
YN: A year ago, we strategically decided to develop the DPM in depth rather than expanding its breadth at this stage. As a result, we put advanced features such as production planning, which are primarily relevant for markets such as Germany and the USA, on hold. Instead, we concentrated on the major textile markets such as Turkey and China. Reporting and shopfloor transparency are particularly in demand here. We covered these needs in the first step of our further developments.
MT: Are there any further steps? What optimizations or additions will follow?